BrokerAgent sells ICHRA's, has own Portal, Enrolls Employees under their name. (Keeps Agent Fee, Commission and AOR.) Broker can also choose to work with Referrers and Director Agents who refer business to them. |
ReferrerUsually an organization that refers possible candidates and gets a referrer fee. (Referrer Fee of $0 to $4 PEPM may come out of ICHRASystems Admin Fee). |
Director AgentTypically a Director Agent has primary contact with the group, but works with another Agent(s) to enroll the employees on their individual policy. (Director Agent earns $0-$30 PEPM Agent / Referrer Fee, but not commission or AOR). Enrolling Broker is chosen by Director, works with the Director, earns commission on the Employees they enroll, has AOR for those employees, and may have an additional enrolling agent fee. |
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Create Broker Portal and get Certified (Suggested) | Create Referrer Portal and get Certified (Suggested) | Create Director Portal and get Certified (Suggested) |
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